BioGuard Pool Juice Weekly Phosphate Remover


The BioGuard Pool Juice Phosphate Remover weekly treatment is the perfect way to combat the constant and inevitable additions of phosphates caused by source water, ground runoff, and weather. Not only will Pool Juice Phosphate Remover weekly treatment maintain the correct levels of phosphates in the water, but it will keep your water clearer than ever before with the clarifier and enzymes added to help clean waterlines and maintain sparkling clear water. Use this product in conjunction with the BioGuard Pool Juice ZERO as an initial treatment, and follow up with this product for weekly maintenance.


BEFORE APPLYING Pool Juice Phosphate Remover Weekly:

Make sure all pool equipment is working properly, including pump, filter, skimmer and heater. If needed, backwash and/or clean filter according to the manufacturer’s directions. Shake well before use.

Weekly Maintenance:

  1. To keep water sparkling clear, apply this product weekly at a rate of 4 fl oz per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
  2. Apply slowly and directly into water while walking around the deep end of the pool.
  3. Allow pump and filter to operate for at least 12 hours after application.

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