BioGuard Natural Clarifier


BioGuard Natural Clarifier uses a natural ingredient, Chitosan, to help keep your pool water sparkling and your filter working at peak efficiency. BioGuard Natural Clarifier should be part of your weekly pool maintenance program, it may also be used to cure cloudy water

  • Keeps your water sparkling and your filter working at peak efficiency
  • Biodegradable and contains no dye or fragrance
  • Works with natural ingredient, Chitosan (made from crustacean exoskeletons), to capture sediment particles
  • Suitable for all pool surface types and all treatment types


1. Apply Natural Clarifier at a rate of 1 fl oz per 5,000 gallons of pool water

2. Apply slowly and directly into the water while walking around the deep end of the pool

3. Allow pump and filter to operate for at least 12 hours after application

4. For very cloudy water, double or triple the dose

Weekly Maintenance

To keep your water sparkling clear, apply Natural Clarifier weekly at a rate of 1 fl oz per 5,000 gallons of pool water

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